Project Objectives
Storytelling covers a variety of activities, which imply not only tangible material objects, but also a system of values, traditions, knowledge, and lifestyles that characterize a society. Storytelling assumes in this sense a fundamental role, connecting the past to the future. Corporate storytelling does not mean simply telling stories but “communicating through stories”, that is, creating narrative universes through which a company enters into an emphatic relationship with people. Storytelling has become a top-of-mind issue in recent times, as technology has democratized the power to share our stories with the world. Markets are increasingly becoming narrative arenas where, alongside the intrinsic quality of products, the ability of brands and companies to know how to evoke a universe of stories, traditions and values (cultural and ethical) is fundamental to stand out among the competitors. Therefore, it is becoming a required and crucial business competence being able to craft stories and portray company values, since it drives emotional engagement resulting in enhanced business performances and in the incrementation of the attraction of increasingly attentive and aware costumers. These are the reasons for which it is necessary to invest in the training, valorization, promotion and diffusion of storytelling in corporates. Storytelling is not only a significant creator of job opportunities in Europe, but will contribute to the attractiveness of European enterprises.
Specific Objective 1
Definition of a NEW PROFESSIONAL FIGURE: the Corporate Storyteller
Specific Objective 2
Creative and INNOVATIVE TRAINING, able to support SMEs to promote, in terms of marketing and brand reputation, their own history and their brands and products.
Specific Objective 3
IMPROVE EMPLOYABILITY of low-skilled and unemployed and recently graduated who, in the periodic employment rankings of recent graduates, are systematically in the last positions..
Specific Objective 4
IMPROVE THE COMPETITIVENESS OF EU COMPANIES by enhancing what characterizes and differentiates Europe from other continents and markets: its secular history.
Expected Results
- Improve the awareness of SMEs and companies of the utility that corporate storytelling has in the building of a strong and healthy brand reputation.
- Increase the skills of trainers into guiding unemployed and interested people in building a professional profile in corporate storytelling.
- Increase the knowledge of policymakers on the theme of corporate storytelling, as to allow the creation and the recognition of this professional profile at EU level.
- Provide policymakers with the information necessary to align and / or redirect policies to the trend of implementing this professional figure in start-ups and companies, according to the strategies of each individual country.
Project Main Results
- Identification of the storytelling skills to be promoted in interested people, and of the material to increase trainers teaching skills.
- Equip the trainers with appropriate materials to improve their own storytelling skills.
- Collect data and information on the already existing policies and norms that could be extended to corporate storytelling, or that could be utilized to create corporate storytelling policies.
- Availability of a Trend Map of the enterprises that already implement corporate storytelling in their activities.